Aradippou Municipality
Apostolou Louca Square, Aradippou
Pavlou Michaila, Aradippou, Cyprus

Open to public
Aradippou Municipality
Aradippou Municipality will organize a two-day event. On the 16th of October, we will welcome at the Aradippou Lyceum the groups of students with their consulting educators to present the Erasmus+ programs they completed last year and those participating this year. Furthermore, in collaboration with the Environmental Committee of Aradippou Municipality, we will deliver the message concerning the environment and the related pillar of the program Erasmus+. There will be representation from the state and specifically from the environment department, as the Municipality of Aradippou is taking the lead in implementing the program Life IP CY Zero Waste for the management of organic waste. For the Exhibition Day on October 18th, we designed an interactive game for adults and children, which takes place on a surface of 25 square meters and includes all the bins with the aim of proving that in the end there is nothing left to throw in the general waste bin. We selected a location that will attract thousands of people, since the days coincide with the celebration of the patron saint of our city. For this reason, the Exhibition Day will be open from 17:00 to 20:00, having live radio link production, transmitting nationally. All Erasmus+ programs will be exhibited in both days events, while the National Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes will be present and fully involved.