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Dječji vrtić Osijek

Vijenac Ivana Česmičkog 7a, Osijek

Vijenac Ivana Česmičkog 7A, Osijek, Croatia

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Dječji vrtić Osijek

Week of 14.10. until 18.10. Celebrating Erasmus Day “Summer passes, autumn comes…” – We invite autumn with its fruits to our group Goal: Continue cooperation with parents by bringing autumn fruits (pumpkins, corn, wheat). The first forms of cooperation where even a child of nursery age participates and is actively involved. Every day, children bring chestnuts, acorns, and walnuts that they collected while walking with their parents. Through research activities, we encourage sensory experiences by touching various textures (smooth, rough, slimy), the development of fine motor skills (extracting seeds from a pumpkin with tweezers) and the expansion of vocabulary with new words (seed, sunflower, pumpkin, acorn, nut). Through playing with chestnuts and wooden pebbles, we directly develop the concept of number and quantity, as well as patience. We count the chestnuts and arrange them on a wooden pebble. Art research activities: we make snails from chestnuts and plasticine, we make hedgehogs from salt dough and dried pumpkin seeds. Through the musical physical activity “Traveling Chestnut”, we develop gross motor skills and spatial relationships and name parts of the body. “Summer passes, autumn comes, a chestnut falls from the tree, sometimes on the head, sometimes on the side, the chestnut falls, thump thump thump.”