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Galleria Principe di Napoli, 80135 Naples, NA, Italy

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The event will focus on presenting the first results of the project FUTURE Fostering sUstainable ToURism for new Employees Key Action 2: Cooperation among organizations and institutions – Partnerships for Cooperation Small-scale Partnerships VET. The FUTURE Fostering sUstainable ToURism new Employees project has the overall objective of fostering environmental sustainability in multidisciplinary areas, having as a reference the EU and national strategic directions related to the Agenda 2030 goals. In particular, it wants to anticipate changes in the workplaces of the future by supporting accompanying green tarnition toward more sustainable, low-carbon and resource-efficient business models, developing green skills and competencies in educational institutions and the future generation. Specific objectives are as follows: O1 . Promote and support the development in the two identified target groups (VET teachers and VET students) of green skills related to the ability to save on energy consumption, reduction of wastage of raw materials and in the use of organic, quality labeled, zero kilometer or local products in tourism in these areas such as catering, hospitality, tour operators etc. O2 To include participants with fewer opportunities due to gender, age and socio-economic status to reduce the risk of social exclusion and provide an occupational alternative; O3 Improve soft skills in design and management of complex projects and provide a European dimension to the three participating organizations, two of which are submitting a VET Cooperation Partnership proposal from the Erasmus+ program for the first time . The basic idea is to train educators and create a ripple effect, in that the educators themselves will train a number of students who in turn will be ambassadors of green behaviors and techniques and teach the new techniques to others.