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Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Bolintineanu, Giurgiu School Inspectorate

Strada Republicii 2B, Bolintin-Vale, Romania

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On the first day, students who participated in a group mobility in Italy will share their experience with students from the 9th grade. They will present their impressions and will talk about the benefits gained from living this experience. They will present some of the materials and results from this mobility (newsletters, powerpoint presentations, a STEM lesson demo). They will answer the questions of the younger students. They will also read out letters from their parents. These letters are meant to illustrate the impact that Erasmus+ has had on the families of students who participated in the Erasmus+ project. On the second day three teachers who participated in a job shadowing mobility will be speakers in a conference organized by the Giurgiu School Inspectorate – Department for European projects. In their speech they will disseminate the project and they will present printed and digital materials of some of the results.