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Ekonomska i turistička škola Daruvar

Outdoor learning and Well-being

Ulica Ivana Gundulića 14, Daruvar, Croatia

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Ekonomska i turistička škola Daruvar

We will use outdoor learning to actively promote students’ well-being by reducing stress and improving their mental health. Mindful Nature Walks: We will guide students on nature walks where they can practice mindfulness by focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells around them. This will help them relax and reduce stress. Outdoor Relaxation and Meditation: We will set aside time for students to practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation in peaceful outdoor settings. This will create a calm environment that supports mental well-being. Physical Activity for Stress Relief: We will incorporate physical activities such as hiking, yoga, or playing sports in nature. Physical exercise is known to reduce stress hormones and boost mood. Creative Expression: We will encourage students to express their feelings and thoughts through creative activities like drawing, painting, or writing in nature. This will provide a healthy outlet for stress. Unstructured Free Time Outdoors: We will allow students to have unstructured time to explore, play, or simply be in nature. This freedom can significantly reduce stress by letting them unwind and disconnect from academic pressures. Group Discussions and Reflection: We will hold group discussions or reflection sessions outdoors, where students can talk about their experiences, share concerns, and support one another. This will build a sense of community and emotional support. Connection with Nature: We will foster a connection with nature by engaging students in activities like gardening or caring for plants. Being in touch with nature has been shown to lower stress levels and improve overall well-being. By incorporating these activities into our outdoor learning program, we will help students manage stress more effectively, promoting their overall well-being and creating a more balanced educational experience.