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Xarxa de Consum Solidari

Casal Transformadors

Carrer d\' Ausias March, 60, Barcelona, Spain

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Xarxa de Consum Solidari

As part of the project ‘Farmers competences Coalition’ (PROJECT NO.G81B23001050006) carried out thanks to the Erasmus programme, we are doing many things: digitising agriculture, learning, exchanging reflections and practices, knowledge and expanding human working relations. For us, this is a great opportunity. We want to make it known so that it can also be so for others. Xarxa de Consum Solidari is going to organize on Octuber 18 some Intercooperation sessions framed within the conference “Alimentació pagesa”: – Territorial markets and peasant cooperation – Food consumption in the north and its impact on the south – School agroecology – Farmers’ markets in Europe