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Innovateur Technicum Austria

Institut für Verfahrens- und Energietechnik , Seminarraum 1. Stock

Muthgasse 107, 1190 Wien, Austria

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Innovateur Technicum Austria

Cognitive developmental states and Prototype construction as a therapy for mental disorders: The existence of cognitive developmental states is undisputed. The identification of these developmental states and how the state transition occurs or can be triggered is controversial. Are models of “cognitive development stages” too simplistic? Master craftsmen and professors of technical disciplines present the development stages of their field. These presentations (Prof. Martin Wendland and others) are part of a publication on the topic. Tools developed at the Innovateur Technicum Austria by DI (FH) VIktor Maier for cognitive state transitions in vocational training will be presented. For example, the balance equations of thermodynamics and electrical engineering can be formulated using simple mathematics, but require a high level of abstraction. Balance equations are the subject of many inventions and the economic benefits of some of the inventions supervised by the innovator Technicum Austria through contracts for universities are presented. Interns with diagnosed mental disorders were also able to perform well in prototype construction. Pleasure through pattern recognition in reading and mathematics showed therapeutic effects. The haptic learning system developed with children for pattern recognition in reading and mathematics (“Lesel”) is presented; the graphics were created by Holocaust survivor DI Irena Wagner. The developments were made for the project “Inventors and researchers in captivity in the concentration camps of the Third Reich”, which was funded by the Future Fund of the Republic of Austria. Contributions by participants to this Erasmus event will be mentioned by name in the publication on request.