2nd General High School of Neapoli Thessaloniki
2nd General High School of Neapoli Thessaloniki
Odyssea Elyti 1, Neapoli, Thessaloniki, Greece

2nd General High School of Neapoli Thessaloniki
Within the framework of two European Erasmus+ projects implemented in our school: 1. Jean Monnet – Learning EU Initiatives “EU-PH.ORIA: European Union for Progress and Harmony, Organization for Responsibility, Innovation and Awareness”(Project Number 101176331) 2. Accredited project KA121 (2024-1-EL01-KA121-SCH-000209823) on the topic of good physical and mental health and well-being our school participates on Thursday 17/10/2024 in Erasmus Days 2024 with the following activities: • Announcement of the results of a logo competition for the “EU-PH.ORIA” project. Our school students participated in the competition with their digital or hand-made creations, and the whole school community (students, teachers, parents, etc.) voted electronically the logo of their choice. The winner as well as all participating students will be awarded during a simple ceremony. • Intra-school treasure hunt with questions related to the European Union. Five student groups will explore both digital and printed sources concerning aspects related to the European Union (countries, history, organizations, currency, etc.) in order to answer questions and break secret codes. The winner is the team that first reveals a hidden picture.