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LPO Eugène Delacroix

LPO Eugène Delacroix

4 Rue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer, Drancy, France

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LPO Eugène Delacroix

Teachers, staff members and students will celebrate the Erasmus days thanks to various activities. The educational community will be invited in the teachers’ room on Tuesday 15/10 to share a moment of openness and conviviality. Those who have participated in an Erasmus+ mobility themselves, or have accompanied their students in an indivividual or group mobility will share their recent and/or old experience in the Erasmus programme. This will be an opportunity for the Erasmus+ coordinator to present the programme and the types of mobilities that can be done this year, and the partnerships that have been set up. On Wednesday 16/10, the whole European section (85 students) of the school will be taken to Paris for a team building day. They will spend the day in groups for a treasure hunt and a selfie challenge about Europe. Their production will be exhibited in the school library and the school’s padlet.