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Lycée Paul Bert

Lycée Paul Bert

7 Rue Huyghens, Paris, France

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Lycée Paul Bert

Sharing our ERASMUS experience with all of our students and encouraging them to travel in Europe with our different partners in Germany, Spain and Italy. We’re actually welcolming our partner from Valencia this week and some German students, so teachers and students can exchange about how they feel European. Different activities will be planned all week with for example a day when everyone will be dressed with blue and yellow colors, European dishes at the cafeteria, songs in different languages, but also testimonies from students who went on an Erasmus trip last year. The library will display some books about Europe and being a European citizen. There might be a flashmob organized by our PE teachers. The whole school will obvisouly be decorated with Erasmus posters, European flags, pictures from our trips… We’ll share pictures from this week on social networks and try to participate in the social network challenge, posting videos of testimonies of our students who went on an Erasmus trip.