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Národná recyklačná agentúra Slovensko


Železničná 2, 987 01 Poltár, Slovakia

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Národná recyklačná agentúra Slovensko

Within the framework of the project CIRcular City through educational circular economy methods for social enterprises (KA220-ADU-7314B502), the partnership (CY, DE, IT, NL, PL, SK) organizes a key activity in terms of testing the application practice of building circular business models operating on the basis of entities social economy in favor of handicapped, marginalized groups of residents in the European Union. The result of the 3-day (15.-17.X.2024 at Poltár, Horné Túrovce, Zvolen) training of educators and multipliers of C-1 good practice training will be the design of a practically graspable and applicable manual “Made in LEARNING-BY-DOING” for the transfer of good practices of the circular economy in social business entities