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Parroquia Santos Reyes-Colegio Santa Ana

Colegio Santa Ana

Calle Maria Rafols, 15, Villalonga, Spain

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Parroquia Santos Reyes-Colegio Santa Ana

Erasmustips is a project that aims to encourage and help new students who want to join Erasmus mobilities. The idea of ​​this project came from the evaluation of the Erasmus actions carried out at the end of the previous academic year. The genesis of this project arose as a need that the students said they had when they were going to travel. Starting from this initial idea, it is proposed that students who have already participated in previous programs will create posters with information tips to help others understand in their future decisions to participate in the selection process for Erasmus mobilities. Erasmus days cdstana 24, will turn the center into an international fair with different speaking corners and posters about different informative tips on travel. The information posters will address topics such as: What is the Erasmus project? Is your first time in another country? What does it feel like when you fly for the first time?, Emergency vocabulary in your first travel…among many examples. In this international fair students and their families will participate.