Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form Victoria Gozo
Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form
Triq Fortunato Mizzi, Victoria, Malta

Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form Victoria Gozo
Erasmus Awareness days We are an accredited school. For the past two years our students and teachers took part in various Erasmus+ mobilities and projects. Various schools from around Europe have visited our school for a week full of activities. We wish to showcase our participation in these projects by uploading testimonies on our social media. From the 14th Ocotober 2024 till the 17th October 2024 a group from Austria will visit our school to participate in week full of activities as part of an Erasmus+ Project. We will upload photos and videos on the school Facebook page. On the 10th and 11th October a stand will be put in the hall to recruit students for Erasmus+ mobilities. Moreover, we will put posters in the school halls and students will share their experiences also on their own social media using #Erasmus Days.