Stredná zdravotnícka škola M. T. Schererovej, Dončova 7, Ružomberok
Secondary nursing school of Maria Theresa Scherer
Dončova 7, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovakia

Stredná zdravotnícka škola M. T. Schererovej, Dončova 7, Ružomberok
During the Erasmus Days 2024, our school – Secondary nursing school of Maria Theresa Scherer – will participate in the event Erasmus+ drop of blood. In cooperation with the Central military hospital in Ružomberok (Slovakia), the students of our school will have an opportunity to donate blood in the ward of hematology and transfusion clinic. We are motivated to participate in this event because during the professional practical training our students daily meet the patients who need blood inevitably. At the same time, they will be included in the blood donor database and will be able to continue in this activity.