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Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Rockefeller and La Doua Campus

13 Rue André Latarget, 69100 Villeurbanne, France

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Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

The international office at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 will organize several events during the Erasmus Days : – Conferences on student mobility with presentations of the program and testimonies of students who recently carried out a mobility, staff members working on Erasmus+ mobilities and experts on international mobility on October 14th and 17th; – A conference on staff mobility with a presentation of the program and testimonies of staff members who recently carried out a mobility on October 15th ; – Presentation and testimonies of projects funded under the key action 2 on October 16th ; – A webinar to present the actions carried out by the university’s structuring projects that are directly linked to the Erasmus+ program on October 17th ; – An exhibition of photographs taken by students from Claude Bernard University during their Erasmus+ mobility ; – A dance performance at the Astrée Theater ; A celebration of Arqus Day: the Arqus Alliance turns 6 years old.