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Zavod RISA, Center za splošno, kulturno in funkcionalno opismenjevanje

City Hotel Ljubljana, RTV Slovenija, other venues

Dalmatinova ulica 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Zavod RISA, Center za splošno, kulturno in funkcionalno opismenjevanje

Erasmus speaks easy! Combining the final conference of the SELSI – Spoken Easy Language for Social Inclusion project (https://selsi.eu/en/) and learning exchanges of professionals, learners, and researchers from all over Europe, the partners address the topic of accessible oral communication in inclusive adult learning and living. Several face-to-face and online events, targeted at groups connected to the development and use of the Spoken Easy Language, will be mainly held in English, with the exception of the SELSI conference, which will be translated into Slovene.