Welcome to the #ErasmusDays FAQ page, where you may find answers to the most popular questions about #ErasmusDays. In this section, clear and concise information is provided about various topics, such as registration, participation, the use of social media, etc.
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#01 I would like a communication kit. How do I get one?
You can download the digital kit.
It includes posters, documentation about the programme and the graphic charter for #ErasmusDays.
We also offer a large quantity of content you can relay: graphics, testimonials, visuals for social networks or audiovisual productions.
#02 I ordered an #ErasmusDays print communication kit. When will I receive it?
You will receive your kit in September or October. An email will inform you that the kit has been sent.
#03 May I get more than one #ErasmusDays print communication kit?
You can order only one kit by event. This kind of kit is available in France only.
#04 Do all the countries involved in #ErasmusDays provide a print communication kit?
No, print kits are not available in every country. Please check with your Erasmus+ agency to have more information about #ErasmusDays print kit in your country.
#05 Where may I obtain official documentation for my event?
You may order documentation from your Europe Direct information centre: https://europa.eu/european-union/contact/meet-us_en.
#06 I want to register an event on the website, but I am unable to submit it, because an image is required. What do I do?
You can download the digital kit which is available on the website and use one of the visuals provided in it. Please make sure the file size is not too large (ideally, less than 500 KB).
#07 I registered my event on the website but I don’t see it on the map. Is it normal?
Events submitted must be approved by a web administrator before being visible on the map. It means there could be a short delay between the submission of the event and its validation. In any case, if you have received a confirmation email, your event will be reviewed shortly.
#08 I registered my event on the website but haven’t received a confirmation email. Is that normal?
When an event is submitted on the website, you receive an automatic email confirming the submission a few minutes later. If not, please check your email again, including your “junk mail” folder. If you still can’t find it, but you think having correctly submitted your event, please wait 72 hours and check if it appears on the map of events. There could be some technical issue preventing the confirmation email from reaching you due to high-security filters in your server. If your event is not on the map within 72 hours of registration, please feel free to register again.
#09 My event is registered on the website, but I would like to modify it. Is this possible?
If you want to change any information about your event (date(s), content, images, etc.), please send those changes to us, including a link to your event (e.g. http://erasmusdays.eu/yourevent) using the form.
#10 Which countries may participate in the #ErasmusDays?
#ErasmusDays take place anywhere in the world, as long as the event has a strong connection with the Erasmus+ programme.
#01 How can I share my Erasmus+ experience abroad?
We encourage students, teachers and trainers, jobseekers, and anyone who has benefited from the Erasmus+ Programme to post a testimonial on social networks.
To do this, just post a photo or a comment using the #ErasmusDays hashtag.
#02 Are these events accessible for people with reduced mobility?
Each organizer uses the means which they deem to be useful or which are at their disposal to provide access to anyone eligible to participate in their events.
#03 How can I contact an event’s organizer?
Information about events is provided in the event listing. To view a listing, check the map or the list of events.
#04 How can I know the topic of the events organized?
The event listing gives you access to event’s websites and social networks. Follow them for the latest news provided by the event’s organizer.
#05 Is there any admission fees to join an event?
The vast majority of the events are free. The terms and conditions of participation are provided in the event’s listing.
#06 Do I need to reserve a spot to attend an event?
The terms and conditions of participation differ from one event to another. Check the event description for more info.
#07 Are the events open to everyone?
In theory, anyone can participate in an #ErasmusDays event. However, each event is organized by an individual structure which could decide not to open its event to the general audience (e.g. an #ErasmusDays event for a school’s students, parents of students and teachers). Each event on the map includes a description which will give you more information about this.
#08 How can I find the events organized around me?
Check the map accessible from the website’s homepage to learn about the events organized around you. You can select the country, the dates and the type of event you want to attend.